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How Does Admission Work?

Your first contact with EDCMT

Asking for help often feels scary and uncomfortable. This is very common. Know you are not alone and we understand. 

When you call or email us, you’ll be connected directly to a single team member, Laurie Newhouse, whose sole focus is helping individuals interested in treatment. She helps with pre-admission questions–such as insurance and cost questions– and begins the process of understanding your unique needs. Laurie knows these are difficult calls for many, and is experienced and trained to support you during this first step.

It’s brave to reach out. We see you.

Creating a plan for treatment

After the first communication, we’ll set up a time to meet with you virtually or in-person for a clinical assessment and a medical nutrition assessment. All this means is our team wants to get to know you and your struggles or symptoms so we can begin forming our best recommendation for a path forward. We know that every disorder is experienced differently, and we work with you to find the right next steps. We have a designated intake team, which always includes a therapist and registered dietitian.

Throughout the entire process, we will cover everything from care, to insurance, to finances, to expectations, and your thoughts about our recommendations. We’re here to guide you through it all.

At the end of your assessment appointments, our team will make a recommendation for the level of care that we think will serve you best, whether it is one that we can provide or a higher level of care at a different facility. During your initial meeting with our intake team, we will also schedule a follow up conversation, giving you time to think about our recommendations, and talk with your family. At the follow up appointment, we will answer any questions and address any concerns you or your family may have.

We know that those steps aren’t always easy ones to take. That’s really normal. We are also here to remind you that everyone can heal, no matter what.

We Look Forward To Meeting You

Providers at EDCMT

We have a highly trained team that specializes in all aspects of eating disorder treatment. When you enter our program, you will receive consistent care from the same providers from start to finish. You will never feel like you are being passed around.

EDCMT patient

A word about EDCMT

“My experience at EDCMT has been incredibly positive. The inviting and comfortable atmosphere has made my recovery that much more approachable and attainable.”

You may be wondering whether the care EDCMT provides is covered by your health insurance.

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