The newest offering at EDCMT is our Caregiver Program, where family and friends of patients of any age come together to learn how to best support their loved ones during eating disorder treatment.
Who is a caregiver? Parents, grandparents, siblings, spouses, partners, friends, coworkers and any others who care for and offer support to the patient.
This educational program teaches caregivers about what their loved ones will be learning and talking about in treatment. It teaches communication skills, identifies goal setting opportunities and builds empathy. The course offers new ways to be a supportive presence around meal preparation, and how to manage emotions around what their child or loved one is going through.
The caregiver program is a critical component of the EDCMT experience. For those patients who are in day or outpatient treatment programs, their families and caregivers are the main support systems during most meals and tough times. Treatment doesn’t happen in a vacuum, and having support from their friends and family when they aren’t at EDCMT is helpful for patients.
We find that training parents and caregivers on building empathy with their children and what they are going through and how to manage times of high emotions with their child leads to faster recovery.
Our caregiver program offers a family centered approach to our evidence based treatment. The goal of our program is to give caregivers the tools they need to support and understand their loved one, and reduce the stress and anxiety that permeates a family when someone is going through a mental health crisis. This program comprises twice weekly virtual sessions for 4 weeks, and includes eight 90 minute lessons, time for group discussions and support, and small “homework” assignments to put your new skills into use.
Thus far we’ve completed two caregiver program sessions and have found that parents and loved ones are really valuing this time to learn more about eating disorders, and the tools to connect with their loved one who is going through treatment. One parent shared “You guys at the EDCMT are doing a fantastic job getting to the root of the issue rather than just throwing meal plans at people and not acknowledging the complexities involved. We’ve worked with a number of dietitians and clinicians for my daughter the past couple of years, and it wasn’t until we found Paige and eventually EDCMT that things began to click more.”
If you think your loved one might benefit from eating disorder treatment, or if you would benefit from the Caregiver Program, please contact us.