Eating disorder treatment will likely be different from anything you’ve ever done, and most people don’t know what to expect from eating disorder treatment when they come to our day treatment center at EDCMT. Here are some unexpected things that might surprise you about coming to treatment at the Eating Disorder Center of Montana.
Your anxiety might get louder before it gets quieter.
Treatment will push you to examine your anxieties and can often stir them up as you work through them. This doesn’t mean that it’s not working. Change can bring up fear and anxiety, but just because there is fear and anxiety doesn’t mean that it’s bad. We encourage you to place your trust in your treatment team. And we know that putting your trust in someone can be scary.
Get ready to step out of your comfort zone, and at times be truly uncomfortable.
This deep emotional work will challenge you to look inward and question your beliefs. Being uncomfortable doesn’t mean that something is wrong, it’s simply an opportunity to look at something new and find out something about ourselves that we didn’t know before, such as feelings and ideas about ourselves and the world that will help us live differently.
That it’s not all about the food.
There is so much more to our approach than changing the way you eat. It’s about improving your relationship with food and with yourself.
Know that we treat people of all bodies, all genders, and all eating disorders.
Not everyone going through treatment will look, act or think like you. And that’s okay. We take an inclusive approach that supports the journey back to you, and only you.
You will find community and support, and feel heard and validated.
Our patients have told us that they found a community in people who they never would have met otherwise. They felt validated in their feelings in a way that they never knew they needed. This is a deeply transformative space, and there is a community here working together to achieve your goals.
We hope this article has shed a little light on what to expect from eating disorder treatment at Eating Disorder Center of Montana. If you have any questions we can answer, contact us today!